Here are just a few of the benefits of walking with your little one:

Instead of sitting in the house day in day out get outdoors and walk – the fresh air does wonders and it is easy to get about with the little on.

1.  Fresh air

Being cooped up in the house isn’t good for anyone and it can be very lonely – if you get out in the fresh air you will most probably find yourself chatting to passers by and other local mums.

2.  Exercise

It is a gentle exercise – just a little bit day by day will help get you back up and active after birth.

3.  Encouraging sleep!

Choosing a time to walk a day will encourage your baby to nap and get them into a routine.

Also the exercise will also help you sleep better too!

4.  Meeting other parents

Swapping parenting tips and general chitter chatter can make you feel so much better and part of a community.

5.  Stress relief

Walking is a great stress reliever for many of the reasons above!